xerimorph.net / notebook /
← february / summer 2023 / autumn →

aug 29 2023

thu aug 28 2023

happy birthday ***

sun aug 24 2023

read an article about the loss of an entire colony of emperor penguin chicks due to disappearing sea ice. just awful.

and I'm feeling like I'm coming down with something.

I never should've stopped being a hermit!

sun aug 23 2023

leaving the gamagrass seeds on a dish on my desk so I remember to plant them.

almost eating the gamagrass seeds because they look like edamame beans.

tue aug 15 2023


mon aug 14 2023

went to a show over the weekend. Julian was playing with Rude TV and it was a good time!
think I'll actually make a real layout for this page before summer 2023 is over?

wed aug 2 2023

tue aug 1 2023

the long awaited triple water lily bloom. to make it extra special they all grew in right next to each other

jul 23 2023

mastodon update: moved to a.xerimorph.net from ringtail chat

jul 13 2023

thunderstorm and cooling off (temporarily) YEH 'u'

jul 12 2023

another hot one

jul 11 2023

jul 11 2023

jul 10 2023

.TLDs are getting very specific these days...

jul 6 2023

first "meta", now "threads", I wish the big corporation would stop co-opting useful words

added a unofficial Rude TV site

jun 29 2023

inspired to paint a chambered nautilus
(I can't find one)

jun 23 2023

picked up my soap bar drying mat to wash it out and it looked like the Enigma of Amigara Fault for fruit flies under there

jun 21 2023

happy 10th bday Flatty
our favorite goblin

life philosophy

jun 20 2023

jun 18 2023


xerimorph.net / notebook /
← february / summer 2023 / autumn →